USGenWeb Project NYGenWeb Project



Part 1

Kindly provided to the Seneca County NYGenWeb page by Betty Auten in 1998.

"The Coroner's Inquest reports [on this page] were abstracted about 1985 just before the new county offices were opened. Only a partial list was abstracted and regrettably, the records were destroyed before the project could be completed. Information as appeared on report. Many from a very early time before family names were carried in the Federal censuses."

More Coroner's report abstracts were found by Betty in her files in 1998. Click here to view those records. Most of them are from the 1900's, with a few from the late 1800's.

A Note About Using This Resource: This long list is alphabetical by surname, but there are other names and information contained in the statements. Use tyour web browser's "Find" feature on your browser to search look for a word or term that you're interested in. For example: Ireland, or drowned, or a surname.

William H Allen, Waterloo, died a natural death - 5/20/1875

John Ballard, Covert hung himself in the barn 2/21/1821

Frederick Bauer, Waterloo died a natural death, a heart attack. His wife Magdelena was a saloon keeper - 6/14/1872

David Beach, 84, died after being hit by a runaway team while sitting in his cutter near the bridge in Seneca Falls - 1/23/1869

William Bean, Junius - 2/14/1827 - Died when a bank of earth fell on him while he was digging the same

Bellows, no first name given - 9/1/1873. Found dead in bed. Died naturally. cousin of Mrs Sarah A North. He lived with her

Elizabeth Benedict, wife of George, Waterloo, found dead on floor of house, cause convulsions - 11/22/1850

Malcolm C Birch found dead in bed, natural causes. His wife was Rachel L - 1/261862

Cornelius Bodine found dead. Died of natural causes - 6/12/1820

Peter B Boots killed in collision of two trains in Seneca Falls. He lived in Waterloo - 10/3/1850

John Bowen, 2/26/1872 - drown at Waterloo in the canal. Employed at Gas Co. tried to walk across the ice.

Ebenezer Bruster/Brewser - 4/21/1826 - died by cutting his throat. Was considered insane

Rhoda Brown, 6/301833, found hanging from the rafters in the house of Christopher D Swick, wife of William Brown of Covert

William Brown of Ovid - 6/11/1875 - Suicide, cut his throat with a knife, 24. Was brother in law of Hugh Boyer for whom he worked.

John E Bryant 1/27/1878 - Fell through ice at Cayuga Lake while ice skating and drowned.

Aaron Burbanks, Varick 1/1/1841, froze to death

Andrew J Burbanks, Varick, 1/1/1841 froze to death

Cornelius C Burch, 3/9/1868, 7 or 9, crushed to death when log rolled over him. Nephew of George Burch of Junius, had been boarding with him

George Burns, 6/1/1857, drowned in canal above Lock 5 in Town of Seneca Falls

Joseph Burridge - 6/11/1869 drowned in canal

Burridge, Joseph H 26 en 5/1/1861 Geneva, private co H 33rd inf, wounded 6/28/1862 out 6/2/1863 Geneva Coroners Inquest 6/11/1869, Joseph Burridge, drowned in the canal, Seneca co

John Byron, 12/17/1862, unknown man run over and killed by freight train, Town of Waterloo. Later identified as John Byron who lived two miles from Seneca Falls. Was a discharged soldier of the 33rd regiment, married, about 30 to 35 years of age

William Canfield - drowned in the race by Vandemark mill in Waterloo - 2/13/1880

William Capron of Macedon, Wayne Co. Found dead after he fell off an old platform near stone mill, opposite the Clinton House in Seneca Falls. Had just returned from state fair at Auburn 9/17/1846

William Carden 2/3/1869 - drowned in canal at Waterloo - 2/3/1869
Carden, William en 4/24/l861 Co C 33 reg pri. out at Geneva 6/2/l863. Re en 12/2/1863 in l6th Heavy art. Served to end of war without an accident. Born Waterloo 3/25/l835, son Dennis and Elizabeth Sawther Carden. Farmer l850 Waterloo, Dennis Carden, , Elizabeth 60 born Ireland Edward 23 Thomas W l7 William 29 Dennis died 4/26/l854. Elizabeth died Clarence Mich 4/13/l866, William Carden of Junius drowned on the canal at Waterloo 2/3/l869 Dennis in Junius 1820

James Carroll 7/21/1879 - died when he accidentally fell from 2nd story doorway to sidewalk in Ansel C Biggs barn - 7/21/1879

William Casey, 5/30/1838 - drowned when he fell into Erie Canal at Tyre. was teamster on canal boat OCEAN. Boat owned by Capt Sherwin - 5/30/1838

Abijah Church, 10/22/1876 - heart attack in woods, was 80. Family, wife and son Abijah, Jr - 10/22/1876

John Collins, 8/141873 - drowned in Seneca River, town of Seneca Falls. Born in Ireland, single, 75. Had brother in Massachusetts, in US about 50 years. - 8/14/1873

John Condin, 10/24/1820 - Elijah Condin, Romulus, died when a tree fell on him - 10/24/1820

John Crawford, 11/14/1841 - Waterloo drowned in canal lock - 11/14/1841

Anthony Crull, 3/17/1845 - Seneca Falls, died of exposure. Froze to death along tow path of canal. 3/17/1845

John Curran, 7/15/1819 - murdered by Michael Mahoney who hit him with a club. from Junius. Happened in Montezuma - 7/15/1819

John Dennison, 11/15/1821 - Ovid, died from intoxication and exposure to the cold - 11/15/1821

Thomas Donelly, suicide by hanging at his home. Seneca Falls. 45, married, no children - 12/20/1873

Christopher Dowling, drowned in canal near Lock 4 in Seneca Falls, son of Michael Dowling - 11/1/1880

Edward Dunn , Died in Varick when limb of tree fell on him. From Queens Co. Ireland. Had no relations in US 12/31/1850

Joseph Eldred - died of a self inflicted wound in his neck. Weapon not found. Died somewhat later, lived in Hector. Was visiting William Frost in Lodi. Was 69, married two times; 10 children from first marriage. Mrs William Frost was a daughter. One son 1 at home; one child from second marriage. Wife was the sister of William Frost, other children lived Michigan - 5/14/1874

Mary Enos or Ely -drowned in canal. Was hired girl for S P Knight - 9/21/1862

Charlotte Evers - drowned in Seneca Falls, probably a child - 6/5/1873

John Felber - Body of unknown man found drowned in canal at Seneca Falls. Later identified as John Felber, Germany, unmarried. Found late 1873, had been in water several months

Hiram Fellows - of Richland, Oswego Co drowned in Waterloo when he fell off a canal boat - 9/5/1831

George Fitzsimmons - drowned in brick pond of Sidney Watkins, Waterloo - 5/25/1875

Thomas Forbes - Suicide by gun, Town of Waterloo, wife Bridget - 11/12/1871

Patrick Gare - Accidentally killed when crank on crane used to raise stone, broke and hit him in the head 9/24/1873

John Gates- 6, son of Franklin Gates, Varick, killed when heavy box fell on him in farmyard 9/13/1876

John P German, Ovid, drowned in lake while bathing - 8/25/1828

Alonzo Gorham died by hanging - 12/1/1880

John Grey, about 70, a gardner, intemperate, died of exposure - 4/6/1874

Daniel L Haas about 30, died by hanging - 9/171857

Sarah Hains, about 50 died in Waterloo. She froze to death under the influence of liquor - 1/30/1844

James M Halsey, Ovid was riding a horse on the highway between Ovid and Lodi. He fell from his horse and was kicked in the head, died instantly. Others riding with him were Tompkins Bogardus and Peter Halsey. Two dates appear in this record, 4/17/1831 and d 8/18/1831

Robert Halstead, accidentally hung himself on top of a picket fence in Waterloo - 10/3/1852

George W Hardick died a suicide. Rented a room at hotel in Waterloo the day before, then took poison - 10/29/1878

Henry Haskell, Waterloo, died a suicide by rzor - 5/28/1844

Joseph Harris tried to kill himself with a razor. The wound was not deep enough so he went to the Seneca river in Seneca Falls and drowned himself. His wife's name was Ann - 9/20/1878

Richard Hefferin/Hefferon accidentaly drowned in canal at Seneca Falls while bathing. Luke Dowd, a friend said he came from Ireland. They had left Ireland together on 3/7/1856 and arrived in New York City 4/15. Hefferin had no father, a widowed mother, o sisters and one brother in Ireland. He had planned to send for his mother and family. They came to Seneca Falls 4/18/1856. He drowned 7/13/1856

Conrad Hilkert drowned in canal . In water five or six months. Was 50 years old had sister Christianna, brother, John - 12/1/1874

John Jackson drowned in Seneca Canal in Waterloo 9/5/1867

Peter Jay or Lay, Junius, died by natural causes. He was about 60 - 9/3/1843

John Kavanagh accidentally killed when the wheels of a loaded car crushed him, near the depot at Waterloo 2/7/1863

Levi Keefer drowned at lower lock of canal - 9/30/1863

Isabella Kelly died of strangulation in her bed. She was a drinking person - 2/5/1875

John Kennedy found dead in barn. He and sister Winfreda worked for W W Stacy. He was subject to epileptic seizures. His aunt Mrs Bridget Hogan also worked for Stacey - 3/30/1865

John Kennedy of Covert killed by cars of Geneva, Ithaca and Athens RR in Covert. His mother was Bridget Donohue, wife of Dan and lived in Covert. Kennedy was 22, had lived in Brookly. His brother, unnamed, lived in Trumansburg - 10/8/1875

Rachel Kimball drowned in mill race in Waterloo. She was about 65. Her daughter Mrs Mary Hall lived with her - 5/24/1868

Edwin Archer Kingsley drown in canal - 8/25/1845

David Kuney died in jail in Waterloo. Verdict, delerium tremens - 5/26/1841

Joseph Liberty of Tyre, a farm hand, found drowned in bottom of canal when canal was drained 4/17/1855.

William Henry Longford, son of Henry, age six, drowned in canal at Seneca Falls - 6/14/1845

Nelson Lynch struck by lightning, Waterloo 6/20/1850 - [see Ira Shook]

Maroney, William, Waterloo, drowned while attempting to swim across the Seneca Outlet - 7/17/1838

Andrew Merrill died as a result of drinking too much. From romulus - 4/25/1822

Smith Miller died by drowning in a creek in Lodi. He had a brother, David - 5/1/1836

Julia Miller, wife of Henry of Waterloo, killed by cart one mile west of village - 5/21/1851

Elizabeth Mills accidentally drowned in a mill pond at Lodi - 5/18/1830

Patrick Moolick died from a beating by S Knight Compton in Lodi - 6/9/1870

John Moore, 6 drowned by accidentally falling into the mill race in Fayette - 8/29/1843

Hugh Murphy found dead in a chair. Died a natural death - 9/17/1856

James McCarthy, Jr came by injuries at the hand of William Riley in defending himself from an unprovoked assault by McCarthy, in Covert - 7/28/1866

James McCullough 14 months and Mary Ann McCullough 2 years, 5 months, children of Frank and Elizabeth McCullough and Mrs Ann Connerty, mother of Elizabeth, died in a house fire from smoke suffocation. She had gone to the store. Mother was 46 and born n Burlington Vermont - 3/20/1873

Hugh McIntyre died a natural death. Witnesses were: Jno and Edmund McIntyre, sons of Hugh - 12/9/1862

Matthew McKone, a boy, drowned in canal in Seneca Falls - 7/24/1875

Henry McMullen drowned in canal at Waterloo - 9/9/1842

Edward Nangle/Naugle found unconscious at the National House in Waterloo. He died shortly after, no cause found - 6/21/1839

John Newton drowned in Seneca Lake while bathing- 9/10/1827

Charles Nobelow, Varick, killed when tree fell on him while he was cutting it down - 12/5/1842

Jonas Odell, Waterloo, suicide with knife - 9/26/1845

Dr. John C Peterson shot himself - 10/7/1867

William Phillips, a little boy, drowned in Seneca river in Seneca Falls - 8/25/1874

Wright Prescott killed himself with a pocket knife. Lived with James Darrow in Fayette - 1/8/1851

Benjamin Prindle found dead along the road. Died from the effect of drinking too much together with being exposed to the cold - 2/18/1835

A Quidam , Junius . died from intoxication.J W Sherman, tavern keeper said he left him in barroom to sleep it off. Found him in morning, extremely drunk. Had helped himself to drink. Took him out to the barn and put him in the hay to sleep it off. Later ound him dead. Verdict, died from intoxication - 4/29/1841

Andrew Rankin, a child, drowned in Seneca River at Seneca Falls - 7/10/1873

Michael Richards died from natural causes, father of John M Richards - 8/20/1856

Samuel Risk of Springfield, Mass. son of cousin of John Purdy, suicide by hanging from door - 4/6/1849

Hester Roberts, Junius, drowned in Seneca Outlet when she fell off a foot bridge into the water - 3/31/1820

Henry Robinson, Seneca Falls, died of natural causes - 11/5/1852

Reuben D Rockwell committed suicide with a pistol in Ovid. He was bedridden. His mother was in the room when he shot himself. For the past two years, Hannah Rockwell, his mother lived in the house of her son in law, Miles A Jones, and wife Lucy. Reuben was lame. A widower no children his wife had died 2 years before . - 11/5/1875

James Rourke, formerly of County Louth, Ireland, now Ovid, drowned in Cayuga and Seneca canal while intoxicated - 5/24/1852

John Ryan drowned in canal at Seneca Falls. He was in a small boat on the river. The boat was drawn into the current. Ryan tried to jump from boat to wall, fell in - 815/1857

Peter Schalber, about 35, drowned in canal. Fell off when crossing on a plank. Was a employ of Thomas Fatzinger of Waterloo - 9/16/1849

John Scott, shoemaker , lived in Rushville, run over by railroad cars in Seneca County - 8/22/1862

Ebenezer P Senter drowned in canal at Seneca Falls - 11/29/1839

William Seymour, Junius died when he was run over by a sleigh drown by a span of horses - 1/24/1828

John Sheridan of Fayette drowned in canal at Kingdom - 7/27/1875

Ira Shook killed when struck by lightning - 6/20/1850 [see Nelson Lynch]

Daniel Short, Jr. 5, son of Daniel and Alice, killed when wheels of wagon ran over his neck - 5/2/1874

Abram C Slaght died of apoplexy at Willard Asylum. He was a steward - 2/27/1873

John C Smith died at Park Hotel in Ovid intemperence - 1/24/1871

Robert Smith abut 33, died of intoxication and exposure to cold. Found along road in Covert, near Baptist Church - 2/22/1858

Leonard Stevenson shot by a pistol, accidentally or otherwise. Next January, he would be have been teaching at Angels Corners. He was the son of Benton Stevenson - 12/15/1862

Mary Ann Decker Stevenson, died of arsenic poisoning, self inflicted. Wife of Charles, mother Mrs Hurd - 5/10/1868

David Stimson died a suicide by hanging. Witness Mary Stimson - 2/24/1841

James Streeting, accidentally drowned near lower lock of canal in Waterloo - 9/8/1871

John Sullivan of Romulus, born Ireland, about 45, died at house of William Hoagland. Was intemperate, had a burst blood vessel - 11/11/1845

George Swarthout, Romulus, 11, son of Alonzo, accidentally drowned while bathing in Seneca Lake - 7/28/1875

Caleb Tripp, Ovid died when he accidentally fell across a log he was chopping. He dislocated bones of his neck - 12/27/1865

Henry Tucker, drowned in canal at Seneca Falls when he tried to rescue a friend. William Cox had fallen in, but he did not drown. Cox from Camillus, in Seneca Falls on a visit - 8/24/1857

Septimus Underwood died at county poor house, suicide by razor - 7/14/1839

Lewis Updike, Romulus, died a natural death - 11/26/1861

Van Antwerp,[no first name listed], of Vienna, Oneida Co. drowned at Tyre when he fell from a canal boat - 6/17/1847

William VanDuyn, SR 61 died suicide by hanging. Formerly lived Niles, Auburn and Owasco. Was shoemaker and farmer. Born Niles, had moved to Townline Rd. Fayette 5 years before. First wife and one son deceased, son William Jr was 19 - 1/22/1875

Abram VanNess drowned in mill race on canal. Lived South Waterloo. Was a pyrotechnist, employed by E M Bedell to manufacture fireworks. - 5/17/1863

Catherine VanVoorhees, Galen, drowned when she fell off a canoe near Clyde into the Canandaigua Outlet. Exam performed at house of Richard Van Voorhees - 9/6/1821

Matilda Van Wickle, wife of Jason died of exhustion - 3/29/1870

Sarah Voorhies, Romulus, killed herself with a knife - 1/27/1818

Lewis Wager, town ofWaterloo found dead. Verdict froze to death - 2/9/1839

Daniel Wakeman suicide by mortal wound with a razor - 5/8/1869

Sylvenus Waldron drown in Seneca Outlet at Seneca Falls, 9, on 9/9/1849, son of Ira B Waldron drowned 11/15/1849

Henry Watson killed by trains in town of Waterloo . 5/9/1871

Mary Weaver, suicide with pistol. Married with children, girls, Caroline, the oldest and Mary Ann; Joseph was 13 and Frank the oldest son was 15. Her sister was Mrs Felix Endler - 8/27/1875

Charles Wheeler died. Shot - suicide or accidentally?, in Waterloo - 12/21/1840

Alpheus Wilber, 45, a liquor salesman from Auburn, drank himself to death at the National House in Waterloo- 3/16/850

Calvin William drowned in canal - 8/25/1845

Ann Wilson accidentally shot and killed by Peter Wilson who thought the gun was empty. Witnesses Abraham and Jane V Wilson, Ovid - 87/1821

William Young killed himself with a razor in Seneca Falls. Killed himself in the outside necessary. Wife, Sophia, sons John and Seth - 2/2/1851

Mrs Sally Ann Young Seneca Falls, died of natural causes 2/26/1851

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